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To what extent can young children express their own views and make independent choices in their education?

This event was held virtually on Friday 18th June 2021. It was attended by over 200 delegates both from the UK and from overseas.

The event was hosted by the team at the

Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (0-11), UCL Institute of Education, under the leadership of Professor Dominic Wyse. It was a partnership event in association with the Education Learning Trust and the Association for the Study of Primary Education.

The event included keynote talks and practical workshops from experts in education research, practice, and policy, as well as the voices of children themselves.

Please feel free to download from the links below the key note talks beginning with an exclusive interview with Lady Helen Hamlyn:

View presentations from the keynote speakers on the day below. Alternatively click on the pictures of the presenters

In conversation with Lady Helen Hamlyn at the HHCP Conference 2021.

Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy 0-11 Years

Pupil Voice and Agency – Learning Without Limits (Dame Professor Alison Peacock)

Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy 0-11 Years

Play in the time of pandemic: children’s agency and lost learning (Professor Sue Rogers)

Children’s Agency and Learning Environments – Lorenzo Manera (Reggio Emilia)

Dr Lorenzo Manera’s talk on children’s agency and learning environments, with wonderful pictures and examples of pre-schools in Italy:

Not Mixed, All: Enhancing the Agency of Mixed-Race Children – Rachel C Boyle


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