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About ASPE

ASPE, founded in 1988, is an organization dedicated to promoting primary education study and providing a voice for primary specialists, including teachers, advisers, educators, and researchers.

We stand out by emphasising reflective study and collaboration among its members.

ASPE achieves its mission through national conferences, publications, newsletters, and the renowned journal, Education 3 – 13, all contributing to the advancement of primary education and supporting those directly involved in the field.

Bulletin Archive

Our previous ASPE bulletins, are available to access for all. Short, accessible articles promoting close-to-practice research written by practitioners who care about primary education.


Want to join this pioneering group of primary practitioners? Please click below to find out more about member’s benefits.

Write for us!

If you are a primary practitioner who wants to contribute to our peer-reviewed journal ‘Reaching into Research’, please contact us.

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Latest news from ASPE

ASPE Presenting at the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) conference, Glasgow

ASPE Executive Member Funding is funded to attend and present at the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) conference, Glasgow. As an organisation, ASPE is very active in supporting all kinds of research related to enhancing primary education. This… Continue reading ASPE Presenting at the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) conference, Glasgow

Children’s Agency and the Curriculum Conference

To what extent can young children express their own views and make independent choices in their education? This event was held virtually on Friday 18th June 2021. It was attended by over 200 delegates both from the UK and from… Continue reading Children’s Agency and the Curriculum Conference

ASPE: A research conference for London schools

The Dialogical Teaching research project involved six teachers from five schools in Lewisham and Southwark working together on a school-based enquiry project about dialogic teaching. The project was a joint project between London South Teaching School Alliance (LSTSA) and Rathfern… Continue reading ASPE: A research conference for London schools

Charity number: 1091491