Encouraging a considered and well researched perspective that will enable all children in primary education to get a better deal

About ASPE
ASPE, founded in 1988, is an organization dedicated to promoting primary education study and providing a voice for primary specialists, including teachers, advisers, educators, and researchers.
We stand out by emphasising reflective study and collaboration among its members.
ASPE achieves its mission through national conferences, publications, newsletters, and the renowned journal, Education 3 – 13, all contributing to the advancement of primary education and supporting those directly involved in the field.
Bulletin Archive
Our previous ASPE bulletins, are available to access for all. Short, accessible articles promoting close-to-practice research written by practitioners who care about primary education.
Want to join this pioneering group of primary practitioners? Please click below to find out more about member’s benefits.
Write for us!
First time writing an article? No worries! We are here to support you. If you are a primary practitioner who wants to contribute to our peer-reviewed journal ‘Reaching into Research’, please contact us.
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Dyslexia and Wobbly wellbeing

ASPE Annual General Meeting 2024, Dunadry Hotel, Belfast