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The Dialogical Teaching research project involved six teachers from five schools in Lewisham and Southwark working together on a school-based enquiry project about dialogic teaching. The project was a joint project between London South Teaching School Alliance (LSTSA) and Rathfern Primary, Lewisham, a Chartered College Hub School.

It was funded thanks to a grant from the Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE). The project ran with the support of University of Cambridge academics working on the Teacher Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA), which has produced a practical tool kit to support teachers in engaging with enquiry projects around dialogic teaching in their own classrooms.

The project was led by the LSTSA Director, an expert in research models of professional development for teachers, who facilitated sessions and supported teachers with their enquiry projects.

The full report can be seen below:


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