ASPE Conference: Curriculum Leadership
In collaboration with The Education Learning trust, ASPE are excited to present this conference on Curriculum Leadership.
The conference themes include:
- National Curriculum Policy Context
- Reflection on curriculum Insights
- Role of Leaders in bringing the curriculum together
- Shaping learning: from big picture to final detail
We are proud to offer workshops alongside our key note speakers.
Keynote speakers
- Mary Myatt
Education adviser, author and speaker - Professor Mick Waters
Education adviser, author and Former Director of Curriculum QCA
- Claire Banks
Director of Education, The Olympus Academy Trust and co-author of ‘A Curious Curriculum - Professor Dominic Wyse
Professor of Early Childhood and,Primary Education IOE, UCL
The array of workshops for delegates includes:
- Simultaneous, remote, collaborative problem
solving using multi-touch technology
Dr. Andrew Joyce-Gibbons, Bath Spa University - Curriculum Conversations: Planning for purpose and pedagogy
Rebekah Gear, Nottingham Trent University
- Curriculum Transitions Education Learning Trust We look forward to welcoming members.
TypeIn person